Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This last weekend was long but well worth it. Friday morning I headed out to Cannonville to pick up my mom and drop Kye off with his Grandpa. Mom and I took off to Salt Lake that after noon to stay with Uncle Rob for his Birthday BBQ! Grandma Also flew in and was able to celebrate with us. It was a great time and the weather turned out great! We hung out, talked, relaxed, and hung around the warm fire that night. Early the next morning mom and I headed home to make it to my little sisters talk with Uncle Jack and Aunt Gay in Church. It was an awesome weekend and cant wait for this one, we have lots of fun plans and looking forward to watching my little sis graduate!!!
Aunt Kris and I
My awesome Grandma and I
Adrik And me, so good to see him again.
Me and Birthday Boy!

1 comment:

The Hanson Family said...

Looks like you had a fun time :)