Monday, December 14, 2009

I am A slacker!!!

Well a lot has been going on and I have been busy and forgot all about blogging. So clear back in October there was Halloween and Kye was Batman! He was so stinking cute, and he loved going to all the houses to collect candy in his basket! we spent Halloween in Cannonville with my family and most of my dads side of the family was there to share it to. Then in November we had Thanksgiving and I had to work, So Jeff and Kye went to the Perkins house to have Thanksgiving dinner. That night I went to my moms and had left overs not as much fun I know. The next day we all went to St. George to watch Ashley ride in the Dixie 6 rodeo and it was way fun, we even went to the temple and looked at the lights it was beautiful! sorry no pictures. Now for December some great news.......Jeffrey got a job in St. George as a maintenance auditor at Sky West headquarters and we are so excited and grateful. So now we are looking at homes down there and I am looking for a job, and it is a lot of work but we are so excited to turn over this new leaf in our life and hope that we can start getting a little more settled in life. Kye is almost one now and I cant believe it, make me sad when I think of how fast time has gone. So far he has had 2 hair cuts and is ready for another one. He hates to eat his food but loves to eat whatever you are eating, he walks holding on to either mommys hand or daddys hand. He loves to play peak-a-boo and anyother game that can make him jump. Kye is still just the best kid ever harly ever cries and can easily be entertained, he now has 4 teeth and working on more, I feel so bad for him cause I know his little gums hurt but he just keeps a smile on his face. Kyes lattest thing is to scream at the top of his lungs just for fun, and it hurts my ears so bad but I cant help to laugh with him when he does it. He loves to babble on and on and shake is head I think he learned that best when we put up the Christmas tree. Kye lovest to unplug things and wait for the bathroom door to open so he can try to put his hands in the toilet.....eww I know. Kyes favorite toys are things that he is not suppose to play with like cords, pots and pans, the DVD's, and the power button on the TV, But I think his most favorite is to go in the kitchen with mommy and pull everyhting out of all the cubords. We are so excited for Christmas this year I almost cant stand it, I never thought I would be excited for Christmas again, but I cant wait to see Kye's reaction to everything. For example snow.....kye wants to touch it but when he does its cold he does not want to again for a while its kind of funny. I hope we can get down to St George soon into a nice home, and I hope I can find a good baby sitter I hope maybe Alesha's schedule and mine can be diffrent maybe she cand tend for me I think Kye really enjoyed being there last time, and I know my little boy is being taken care of when he is there!
My Handsome son!
Family Pictures
Ha Ha he didnt now want to leave my hip this night!
Kye loves to hang out with Grandpa Nelson
SkyWest Christmas party at rustys


Christy Hair said...

Could he be ANY cuter??!??!

Tebbs Creations said...

and we want him to come the kids missed him last week :(

Lyndsey Swindlehurst said...

that is exciting that you will be going to St.George, now you might be closer to school! I hope everything turns out well and you can get a job easily. Keep us all posted. It's funny cuz all of those things you said about Kye Zander is doing them too! Funny little boys!

Bobbi Simkins said...

looks more like batman than superman! funny girl. nice pregnancy test. maybe i will borrow that someday. ha ha! you will probably need it before i will!