Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer Time!!!

Well we are still having lots of fun this summer. Swimming, fishing, spending time with family, BBQ's, and much more! I am still working a lot and going to school. Jeff is still working for Sky West, and traveling all over. On my days of I try to take Kye to do fun things around town, we like to go to the splash pads around here and the parks, and we like to go to the rec-center in washington. I still love my new home I just wish I could get it decorated I still dont feel 100% settled. Kye is getting so big and saying so many new words. Here are just some that I can think of off the top of my head! *Kye's Words* Nigh Nigh* Luv U* Shoe's* Outside* Hot* Cold* Ball* Balloon* Bath* No* Mo(Elmo)* Sorry* Bubbles* Go way* Ma Ma* Daddy* Bike* Juice* Eye* And I know there is more words but I just cant think of them all. Kye blows me kisses, and gives me lots of hugs. Kye does some sighn language and we are working on more. We are going to lagoon next weekend and I cant wait it is going to be so fun!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I'm so jealous you get to go to Lagoon! I haven't been there for ages!! Have fun. :)