Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Just a little update

Kye and I have been doing great! We have just been staying busy busy. Kye has made new friends with the kids in our apartment complex, and has had the opportunity to visit with Clint and Le'Chell, and their little Harley. Kye loves to play with Harley its fun to see how he reacts to having a baby around! For me I have just been working and going to school. School has been rewarding to me this semester I have a lot on my plate and I have managed to still do really well.
This week we have been over to Cannonville hanging out. We have stayed longer then what we had planed because it snowed and if you know me at all I do not drive in the snow. So yesterday Kye and I went out side and built our first snowman together. It was so much fun to play with him out in the snow. I cant believe how my little man is growing up, he will talk your ear off telling you all sorts of stories. Last night I was getting him into his P.Js and I tried to explain to him that he could not have treats anymore if he was not going to go to the big boy potty....ha ha he looked at me as he touched his hand to my face and said "mom its just a game okay" I responded and said no its not a game Kye you need to start going to the big boy potty! Kye says "just calm down mom take a deep breath" oh my goodness I could not help but laugh and wonder where he would have hears something like that! I love Kye with all my heart and I love how he watches my every move and listens closely to my words, it keeps me in line and it makes me feel good that he loves and trust me.


Wes, Ash, Parker and Colt Dotson said...

I love the potty story!! I so so wish Parker would use the potty to he is getting to old for me to change his nasty poo haha! Good luck with Kye I dont know if Park will ever use the potty! Im taking my iphone from him no more games so we will see if that will work!

Gina said...

Good luck Ash!!! It is hard Kye is not all about going to the bathroom I have tried everything. I dont like changing their poo diapers either its not baby poo anymore lol!